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  1. The Times Institute shall offer courses leading to the degrees of Master of Science, abbreviated as MS, and Master of Philosophy, abbreviated as M.Phil. or otherwise as prescribed for in the subjects provided in the schedule and introduced from time to time. Applications for admission to various courses of study shall be invited and admission shall be made on the basis of merit.

    In these regulations, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:
    1. University / Institute” means Times Institute Multan.
    2. Academic Council” means the Academic Council of Times Institute Multan.
    3. Academic Year” of the Times Institute Multan shall comprise two regular semesters (Fall and Spring), each of which shall normally of 16-18 weeks including 1-2 weeks for the final-term examinations of the semester. During the summer break, there may be a Summer Session of not exceeding nine (9) weeks including the final-term examinations of the session. The contact hours per week during a Summer Session will be doubled to ensure that a course is completely taught with half of the duration as compared with a regular (Fall/Spring) Semester.
    4. Advance Study Board” means the Advance Study Board of the Times Institute Multan.
    5. Commencement of Semester/Session” means the day of start of classes for the semester/session as prescribed in the Academic Calendar of the Times Institute published from time to time.
    6. Controller of Examinations” means the Controller of Examination (COE) of the Times Institute Multan.
    7. Credit Course” means a course of study, successful completion of which shall be the requirement for award of the degree. The grade obtained in a credit course shall appear on the transcript.
    8. Credit Hour” means teaching a theory course for 50-60 minutes of classroom per week throughout the semester. One Credit Hour in laboratory / library research / Museum / Clinical Wards would require contact of two-three (2-3) hours of laboratory work / library research / Museum / Clinical Wards per week throughout the semester. N.B: The credit hours are denoted by two digits within brackets with a hyphen in between. The first (left side) digit represents the theory part while the second (right side) digit represents the laboratory / research work / Museum / Clinical Wards. Thus 3(3-0) means three credit hours of theory while 4(3-1) means a total of four credit hours, of which, three credit hours are of theory while one credit hour is for laboratory / research / Museum / Clinical Wards. The weekly contact hours of a 3(3-0) course will be three, while the contact hours of 4(3-1) course will be five to six while the contact hours of 3(1-2) will be five to seven.
    9. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)” means the weighted average of the Grade Points earned for all the credit courses in all the semester attended.
    10. Dean” means the Dean of a Faculty of the Times Institute Multan.
    11. Department” means a teaching department, an academy, a college, a school, a center of the Times Institute Multan with whatsoever name called, or an affiliated college/institute of the Times Institute Multan, or an academic institution with which the Times Institute Multan has a valid Memorandum of Understanding.
    12. External Examiner” means a subject expert (outside the Times Institute Multan or any of its departments) to evaluate the thesis and/or to take the viva-voce examinations of research student of the program.
    13. Faculty” means the Faculty of the Times Institute Multan.
    14. Faculty or Departmental Research Committee” means research committee of each department/faculty offering Research program (PhD / MS / MPhil) and whose primary job is to take decisions or propose suggestion related to research related matters in their respective departments/faculties.
    15. Grade Point” means the points (numerical value) associated with each letter grade.
    16. Grade” means the letter grade earned by a student in a course depending on his/her performance in that course.
    17. Non-Credit Course” means a course registered by the student or prescribed by the concerned Department, which is not to be counted towards the minimum degree requirements. The grade of a non-credit course shall appear on the transcript with a special mark and it shall not be used in calculation of the SGPA/CGPA.
    18. Prescribed” means prescribed by the Statues, Regulations and Rules of the TIMES Institute Multan.
    19. Program” means a MS/MPhil Level program leading to a degree.
    20. Rector” means the Rector of Times Institute Multan
    21. Registrar” means the Registrar of Times Institute Multan
    22. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)” means the weighted average of the Grade Points earned for all the credit courses in a single semester.
    23. Student” means a registered of student enrolled in MS/MPhil Level program of TIMES Institute Multan.
    24. Synopsis” means a written research proposal to be submitted by the student in partial fulfillment of the program.
    25. Thesis” means a written report resulting from original research to be submitted by the student in partial fulfillment of the program.
    26. University / Institute / College” means the TIMES Institute Multan
    27. Viva” mean oral defense as a partial requirement of MS/MPhil


    1. To be eligible for admission to the MS / MPhil. program, a candidate
      1. shall possess a bachelor’s or master’s degree of minimum of 16 years of schooling or an equivalent qualification in the relevant discipline from a recognized University / Degree Awarding Institute (DAI).
      2. shall have obtained a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.5 on the 4.00 scale in the semester system or a minimum of 50% marks in the annual system in the last qualifying degree. However, a department may make more stringent criteria for any of its programs under prescribed manners.
      3. Must have passed the admission test conducted by the Institute or GAT (subject) conducted by the recognized testing body.
      4. There shall be an Admission Test Committee to supervise admissions.
    2. Each candidate shall make an application for admission in response to an advertisement by the Department on a prescribed admission form along with the documents specified in the form and deposit the required fee as prescribed in Financial Rules.
    3. The admission shall be made on the basis of cumulative merit or eligibility criteria according to HEC to be prescribed by the Institute from time to time.
    4. Anyone who has been rusticated or expelled by a university, degree awarding institute for misconduct or for use of unfair means (including plagiarism) in the examinations or for any offence involving moral turpitude shall not be eligible for admission in any program of the Times Institute Multan.
    5. The selected candidate shall be issued an admission offer letter by the department.
    6. After receiving the admission offer letter, the candidate shall be required to pay the remaining fees as prescribed in Financial Rules within the stipulated time period for confirmation his / her admission in the program, failing which his / her candidature shall be cancelled.


    1. University Registration
      1. A student seeking admission in a program shall register himself / herself within the dates notified for registration, failing which his / her admission may be declared as cancelled.
      2. The Registrar Office shall issue a University registration number to each student.
    2. Add/Drop of Courses
      1. A student may add or drop his / her enrolled course(s) by the approval of Rector on the recommendations respective Dean through concerned HOD / Program Coordinator before the mid-term examination. However, the minimum credit hour requirement as mentioned in para 7-b.iii needs to be met.
    3. Freezing of Semester/Readmission
      1. A student dropping all the registered courses or choosing not to register in any course for a semester shall be required to apply for request for approval to Rector  on the recommendation of respective Dean through HOD / Program Coordinator for freezing of the same semester only before the mid-term examination.
      2. No freezing shall be allowed for the first semester of registration and enrollment in the Department / University and for an offered summer session. However, under special circumstances freezing of first semester can be considered by the approval of Rector. Special circumstance may be
        1. Iddat
        2. Accident of the student
        3. Any other subject to acceptance on justified rationale

    4. Transfer of Credit / Exemption of Courses
      1. A candidate may be allowed to transfer his / her credit hours earned from any other recognized / accredited University / Degree Awarding Institute (DAI) on his / her request along with the admission application to the Department / College.
      2. The transfer of credit application shall be evaluated by Institute Committee. The committee may co-opt one more expert / member, if so desired for a case. The committee shall make its recommendations to the Rector for approval through concerned Dean. The Rector shall endorse the acceptance of transferred credit hours on behalf of the Academic Council.


    1. A student shall be evaluated in each course on the basis of periodical quizzes, test(s), assignment(s), individual / group presentations, group discussion(s), mid-term papers, and project / laboratory reports and / or otherwise as prescribed during the semester / session and the final-term examination covering the whole course at the end of the semester / session.

      Nature of Examination Course with Lab Course Without Lab
      Mid Semester Examinations 30 30
      Assignments / Presentations / Attendance 10 10
      Final Semester Examination 60 60
      Practical (if applicable) 25
      Total 125 100

      (N.B: Any changes to the above-mentioned weightage guidelines should be approved by BOS prior to the start of the semester.)
    2. The minimum pass marks for each course shall be 50% in theory and lab (if any). If a student fails to secure 50% marks in theory and lab (if any), he / she shall be deemed to have failed in that course.
    3. If a student absents him / her in any assessment (e.g. class quiz, test, etc.) for any reason, no assessment will be arranged for him / her and he / she shall be awarded zero marks for that assessment
    4. There shall be written examination for each course at the end of each semester / session on the dates fixed by the Controller of Examinations. Prior approval from Rector on recommendation of respective Dean through HOD / Program Coordinator is required if written examination is replaced with research paper. The deadline to submit research paper should be before the commencement of final examinations and needs to be communicated to Controller of Examinations. The research paper should be passed through the plagiarism detection software. Copy of the report and the submitted paper should be provided to examination department.


    1. Grades, Grade Points and Calculation of Grade Point Average
      1. The academic work shall normally be evaluated on the basis of percentage marks obtained and the grade points according to the following grading system:


        Percentage Marks Grade Grade Points
        85 % - 100 %  A+ 4.00
        80 % – 84 % A 3.75
        75 % – 79 % B+ 3.50
        70 % – 74 % B 3.00
        65 % – 69 % C+ 2.50
        60 % – 64 % C 2.00
        55 % – 59 % D+ 1.50
        50 % – 54 % D 1.00
        Below 50 % F 0
      2. Marks will be rounded off for each course only once after adding in- semester and final examination marks. Marks would be rounded up / down from first decimal as under:
        1. If first decimal is equal to or greater than 5, the value is to be rounded up to next higher whole number e.g. 67.5 will be treated as 68 and 69.5 will be treated as 70.
        2. If first decimal is less than 5, the value is to be rounded down to the current whole number e.g. 67.4 will be treated as 67 and 69.4 will be treated as 69.

      3. The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be calculated using the following relationships:

        Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)
        SGPA = Sum over all courses in a semester (Course Credit Hours x Grade Points Earned)
        Total Semester Credit Hours

        Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
        CGPA = Sum over all taken courses in all semesters (Course Credit Hours x Grade Points Earned)
        Total Semester Credit Hours

      4. SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off up to two decimal places when shown on the transcript and in record(s) of result.
      5. The result of student in each course, whether passed or failed, shall be indicated on the transcript by letter grade.

    2. Grade ‘F’
      1. If a student fails to appear in the final-term examination of a course, he/she be treated as absent and failed.
      2. The minimum pass marks for each course shall be 50% in both theory and lab. A student obtaining less than 50% in any course shall be deemed to have failed in that course.
      3. The grade point for the Grade „F‟ shall be 0 and it will be used in the SGPA and CGPA calculations.

    3. Repeating Courses / Improvement of CGPA
      1. A student may be allowed to repeat a course in which he / she has obtained grade “F”.
      2. The student repeating a course shall be required to register the course by depositing fee as prescribed in Financial Rules as a regular course and shall meet all requirements (as per policy) such as attending the classes and appear in all the examinations during the semester / session and the final-term examinations of the course.

    4. Academic Deficiency
      1. A student shall be required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.5 throughout the period of study of the program. Whenever the CGPA falls below 2.5 the student shall be given an academic warning for the next semester and this effect shall be published on his/her semester result. Maximum two academic warnings -viz., (i) the “First Probation” and (ii) the “Last Probation” shall be allowed. If the CGPA of a student falls below 2.5 for the third time during the period of study of the program, he / she shall be dismissed from the program and shall not be readmitted in the same program.
      2. A student on a probation status shall not be allowed to register the courses of the subsequent / advanced semester unless otherwise approved by the Rector recommendations of the respective Dean through the HOD / Program Coordinator.

    5. Repeating Courses /Improvement of CGPA
      1. A student may be allowed to repeat a course in which he/she has obtained grade “C” or “F”. A maximum of nine (12) credit hours of coursework may be allowed to a student to repeat for improvement.
      2. The student repeating a course shall be required to register the course as a regular course and shall meet all requirements (as per policy) such as attending the classes and appear in all the examinations during the semester/session and the final-term examinations of the course.
      3. The course repeated in a subsequent semester(s)/session(s) shall be shown in the transcript corresponding to the respective semester(s)/session(s) for as many times as it is registered for. The old grade of the course shall be replaced with the letter grade “R” without changing the previous SGPA/CGPA. The new grade, through its corresponding semester/session, shall be used for computation of the SGPA/CGPA. In case, the new grade is lower than the previous grade then the previous grade shall be retained as such; whereas the new (lower) grade shall be marked as “W” without affecting the SGPA/CGPA and the repeat shall be reflected in the transcript corresponding to the respective semester/session.
    6. Academic Deficiency
      1. A student shall be required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.5 throughout the period of study of the program. Whenever the CGPA falls below 2.5 the student shall be given an academic warning for the next semester and this effect shall be published on his/her semester result. Maximum two academic warnings -viz., (i) the “First Probation” and (ii) the “Last Probation” shall be allowed. If the CGPA of a student falls below 2.5 for the third time during the period of study of the program, he/she shall be dismissed from the program and shall not be readmitted in the same program.
      2. A student on a probation status shall not be allowed to register the courses of the subsequent/advanced semester unless otherwise permitted by the Dean on recommendations of the Supervisor/Academic Advisor through the HOD/In-Charge Postgraduate Programs.

    7. Re-Checking of Answer Books
      1. There shall be no re-evaluation / re-assessment of the answer books.
      2. A student may, on the payment of fee as prescribed by the University, get the answer book re-checked for totaling and for verification that all questions or parts thereof have been fully marked, in the presence of the concerned teacher, HOD / Program Coordinator of the concerned department and the Controller of Examinations, within one month from the date of declaration of the result.
      3. Errors or omissions, if any, shall be rectified.

    8. Unfair Means Committee (UMC)
      1. Unfair Means Committee (UMC) shall deal with those students who shall be found using of unfair means during the examinations.
      2. Any student, who refuses to obey the Superintendent, invigilation staff directions in the examination room, creates disturbance of any kind during the examination, misbehaves in or around the examination room and found cheating shall be expelled from examination room and dealt with according to the nature and seriousness of his / her offence.
      3. The Superintendent of exam / Invigilator shall fill the Performa of unfair means, attach the supporting documents / evidences and submit it to the In-Charge Examination.
      4. Having scanned the case, the In-Charge Examination shall refer it to committee with Performa and evidences in support of it.
      5. The Convener of UMC shall call the committee by notifying the date, time, venue and examining all evidences provided, the committee shall frame the charge sheet and call the alleged students by issuing notice at least 3 days prior to meeting to facilitate the alleged student a fair opportunity of defense if any.
      6. The committee shall patiently listen the students individually without biasness and shall consider all evidences offered by the alleged students to meet the justice
      7. The committee shall put up the recommendations for the consideration and approval of the Rector. The Rector has been vested the powers to agree or disagree with committee recommendations.
      8. After approval of the Rector, the decision shall be notified.
      9. If a student has sufficient grounds to be heard in person for appeal, he / she can appeal against such decision within 05 days from notification date to Assistant Controller of Examination for the consideration of the Rector.
      10. No council shall be allowed to appear on behalf of or assist an accused candidate during inquiry under these rules.
      11. If approved the charges levered against the student, the following penalties shall be imposed:
        1. Fine as prescribed by the Committee.
        2. Cancellation of the Paper.
        3. Suspension of Semester.
        4. Rustication from the Institute.


    1. The research work shall be registered as a regular course in the beginning of a semester. The student shall deposit the fees and dues as prescribed in Financial Rules on account of registration / enrollment and examinations of his / her research work on the semester / session basis to maintain his / her candidature for the research work for the given semester/session.
    2. Thesis Proposal
      The student shall prepare a (research proposal of his / her research work in consultation with the (proposed) supervisor within a period of two months of registration and enrollment for research. The synopsis shall normally be prepared after successful completion of the coursework. The synopsis shall include the topic of research, the name and consent of the (proposed) supervisor and the time period for submission of the thesis within the prescribed time limits.
    3. The student shall submit his / her propsoal with the consent of the supervisor to the concerned HOD / Department Coordinator for consideration and permission of the respective Dean. The respective Dean shall forward its recommendations to the Director Academics & Research within fifteen days of submission of the synopsis.
      1. Department (if required) may conduct a proposal defense within 15 days after approval of respective Dean.
      2. If a student fails to defend his proposal twice, department may advise (as per HECs rules and recommendations) the student to opt for two courses in lieu of thesis.
    4. Thesis
      1. Credit Hours of Thesis
        The students of those departments where project / thesis is a requirement for the program will be required to carry out research on a project / thesis of maximum 6 credit hours and submit a project report / thesis as a requirement for partial fulfillment of their programs in the relevant disciplines. However, each department may devise its own policy regarding projects.
      2. Selection of Supervisor and Co Supervisor
        • Each student shall perform his / her research work under the supervision of a person appointed by the HOD.
        • Where necessary and desirable, a co-supervisor may also be appointed by the HOD.
      3. Selection of Topic
        The student shall be permitted according to the scheme of study of the program to select a topic of research in consultation with his/her supervisor.
      4. Stipulated Time Period
        The student is required to complete the thesis and submit his / her thesis for evaluation to the department through his / her supervisor within 06 months. At the time of submission of final thesis, students shall deposit the thesis submission fee as prescribed in Financial Rules.
      5. Extension
        In case a student fails to complete the project / thesis within the given time, the students will apply for the extension to concerned HOD. The HOD may allow him an extension up to 01 semester after the approval from Rector through respective Dean. If the student again fails to complete the project / thesis within time period, he / she will again apply for extension to HOD. The HOD may allow him / another extension up to 01 semester after the approval from Rector through respective Dean.
      6. Plagiarism
        For the Final Year Project (FYP) / Thesis Plagiarism check is compulsory and the bar will be set by the Supervisor.
      7. Charges for Extension
        The student shall pay such charges for use of facilities for his / her project / thesis as prescribed by the Institute from time to time. If a student is given extension in the period for completion of his / her project / thesis, he she shall pay the fee / charges for the extended period as prescribed in Financial Rules per semester and no fellowship or financial assistance shall be provided during the extended period.
    5. Panel of Examiner
      1. Examiner
        A panel of 03 examiners for evaluation of project report / thesis and conduct of viva-voce examination shall be suggested by concerned HOD for the approval of Rector through Dean.
      2. Date and Time
        The examiner shall evaluate the project report / thesis and conduct viva- voce examination of the student on the date and time given by the HOD of the department concerned in consultation with the COE.
      3. Revision
        In case, the project / thesis is adjudged inadequate by the examiner, he / she may reject the project report / thesis or ask the student to revise the same.
      4. Revision Period
        The student shall be required to submit the revised version of the project report / thesis within a period of one month from the date of viva-voce examination. The revised version of the project report / thesis shall be re-examined by the supervisor.
      5. No Further Extension
        The result of the revised version has received from the supervisor shall be declared and no further extension shall be granted.
      6. Declaration of Result
        • After the viva-voce examination, the successful student shall submit three hard bound copies of the project report / thesis to the department for onward transmission to the Controller of Examinations for declaration of result. A copy of the project report / thesis will be deposited by the Controller of Examinations in the Library.
        • The result of the student shall not be declared unless he / she has submitted three hard bound copies of the project report/thesis to the department.
        • The project report/thesis shall be printed on A4 size (8.27” x 11.69”) paper.
    6. Award of Degree
      Each successful student shall be awarded the degree on successful completion of all the requirements of Undergraduate program.
    7. Thesis conditions
      The thesis submitted by the student shall comply with the following conditions:
      1. It shall be certified and signed by the supervisor and the co-supervisor (if any) that the contents mentioned are accurate to the best level.
      2. It shall form a distinct contribution to knowledge and afford evidence of originality, shown by the discovery of new facts, by the exercise of independent critical judgment, and/or by the invention of new methods of investigation.
      3. It shall not include research work for which a degree has already been conferred in this University or any other University/DAI.
      4. It shall be written in English for all subjects except the oriental languages, in which case it shall be either the language itself or English, or otherwise as approved by the Advance Study Board on recommendations of the supervisor forwarded by the Director A & R
      5. It shall have the format, writing, referencing, paper, binding and other related matters as approved by the Advance Study Board from time to time.


    Each student shall be required to pay tuition fee and such other charges of the program as may be determined by the Department and approved by the University from time to time.