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General Rules

Identity Card

The student shall carry their Times identity cards during the Institute hours and produce to the concerned authorities on demand. Duplicate identity card can be obtained for Rs. 500/-.

No Smoking

Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the premises of the Institute. Fine shall be charged from students in following way:
1. First Time                    Rs. 2000
2. Second Time                Rs. 5000
3. Third Time                   Suspension from Ongoing Semester

Library Books

Students are expected to be very careful about the library books. They are not allowed to take book without getting these issued in their names. Books should be returned on time. A fine of Rs. 50 per day per book shall be charged if books are returned late. A damage of defaced book shall have to be replaced by a new one.


Student shall strictly observe 75% attendance in all subjects of the semester / year to sit in the final term examination.


  • Tuition fee, in addition to admission and other fees shall be charged at the time of admission.  Cheques shall not be accepted. Dues shall be paid on the prescribed dates. A flat fine of Rs. 800/- shall be charged for fee received after the due date (05th of every month).
  • Dues once paid are non-refundable and non-transferable in any case.
  • In case of non-payment of consecutive 3 month’s fee, Institute has the right to drop the student in that particular semester or academic session.
  • Institute has the right to increase its fee due to any unavoidable circumstances.
  • In case, a student is enjoying a merit or need based scholarship, he / she shall be responsible to maintain his / her examination result with minimum 75% and observe minimum 75% attendance otherwise; said scholarship shall be withdrawn without any notice.

Extra-Curricular Activities

All the students of the Institute are bound to participate / attend extracurricular activities or events arranged by the Institute and shall pay their contribution in this regard if required. Sincere co-operation of parents is earnestly sought in this matter.

Change of Campus

Institute reserves the right to initiate / transfer any of its academic programs from City Campus to Main Campus or Main Campus to City Campus according to the academic / quality requirements of the particular program at any time without prior notice.

Student Discipline:

The following regulations are prescribed to govern the matters relating to the discipline for all levels of program at the Institute.
  1. Students shall abide all the rules and regulation of the Institute.
  2. Students shall not organize any union or invite any political leaders / religious leaders for arranging meeting in the Institute, distributing notices / any kind of published material or collecting money for any purpose / cause without the prior permission from authorities.
  3. The Institute’s properties includes furniture / fixture, multimedia, computers and laboratory equipments etc should be handled with maximum care and everything possible should be done to preserve the cleanliness and tidiness of the building, furniture, library books and the premises.
  4. Ragging, Teasing, Taunting, Ribbing, Mocking, Beating and Baiting in any form are strictly prohibited in the Institute.
  5. Students must work quietly while in the library or in a way that must not hamper the work of other students sitting around them.
  6. Students must park their vehicles only in the designated places, and should not park vehicles beyond this limit.
  7. Under any circumstances, no student / staff or outsider is permitted to meet any faculty member while he is engaged with class or on invigilation duty.
  8. Students are expected to see the Institute’s notice board every day before attending the class.
  9. Students should always display their student cards putting around their neck by using the card holder and tag provided to them.
  10. It is strictly prohibited to bring any kind of narcotics / drugs inside the Institute and on recreational trips arranged by the Institute.
  11. Eatables and soft drinks are not allowed to bring in the class rooms, library & labs. A fine of Rs. 1000 shall be charged if found guilty.
  12. Smart parties (e.g.) birthday etc. are not allowed to celebarte anywhere in the premises of Institute.
  13. Students shall leave the Institute within 60 minutes from the end of their classes or shall sit in library, if needed.
  14. Use of mobile phones is not allowed in class room, libraries, laboratories, workshops, examination hall, convocation hall and Institute’s offices area however you can keep it on silent mode in pockets or bags.
  15. Student are not allowed to stage or participate in any sort of walk out / lock outs, strike, agitation neither quarrel with each other, teacher, staff, officer and any other person within Institute.
  16. Student shall strictly observe moral & ethical values. Abusive language is strictly prohibited.
  17. All sorts of weapons including gun, pistol, revolver, dagger, knife, sword etc are prohibited inside the Institute.
  18. Use of loud speaker, mega phone and, decks prohibited in the Institute except in functions arranged by the Institute.
  19. Students shall not commit any act of dishonesty like submitting false documents, telling a lie for undue favor, use of un-faire means during any examination.
  20. Students are not allowed to promote agenda of any political party or creed, race and sectarian group. However, for academic, welfare and extracurricular activities societies / committees consisting of faculty member and students can be formed at class / department level with the approval of the Competent Authority.
  21. No student shall disregard or disobey the Institute’s rules in any manner, may it be physically, by written means or gestures.
  22. Students shall not damage any property of Institute or public willfully.

Acts of Indiscipline:

Students will be charged with an act of indiscipline if he / she:-
  1. Breaches code of conduct as specified above or desired by the Competent Authority from time to time.
  2. Disobedience against lawful orders of teachers or any official of the Institute.
  3. Willfully damages or destroy properties belonging to the Institute, public, fellow students, teachers or any other officials of the Institute.
  4. Uses indecent language, wears undesired dress, passes indecent remarks / gestures and commits an immoral act against his / her fellow student or any other person within the Institute.
  5. Commits an act of impersonation.
  6. Commits any such act which is prejudice to good order, ethics, discipline and rules of the Institute.

Procedure and Processing Discipline Cases:

On occurrence of an act of ill-discipline, following procedures shall be followed:-
  1. On receipt of written-complaint, duly signed by the complainant with his / her identity, shall be entertained to proceed against the accused / suspect. On receiving the complaint, Student Affairs Office shall carry out preliminary investigations. If any gross misconduct is not committed, the inquiry officer may award minor plenty*as per severity of the case and if the case does not require any further investigation / action; he / she shall dispose of the case amicably, and inform RegistrarRegistrar shall notify accordingly and forward / distribute copies of this notification to all concerned including parents of the defaulter student(s) as per procedure in vogue.
  2. lf the case warrants a formal investigation / inquiry through Campus Discipline Committee (CDC), following actions shall be taken:-
    1. Registrar office will be approached for ordering a formal inquiry and detailing the members for Discipline Committee.
    2. Discipline Committee will formally investigate the matter.
    3. Department(s) of the student(s) involved in the act of ill-discipline (being investigated), will be requested in writing to direct the student(s) involved in the case, to report to the Discipline Committee as and when required.
    4. Formal statements of the witnesses shall be recorded by the Discipline Committee and witnesses shall be questioned by the Committee.
    5. In the light of statements of the witnesses and questions by the Committee thereafter, the Committee shall conclude findings of the case.
    6. Based on findings, the Discipline Committee shall recommend punishment.
  3. The Discipline Committee Report shall be forwarded to Competetnt Authority for approval and necessary notification.
  4. Awarded punishment shall be displayed on the notice board.

Right of Appeal:

  1. Appeal against decision of the Discipline Committee may be made to Appellant Authority with in ten days of issuance of notification.
  2. The BoG will be the Appellant Authority.